3 research outputs found

    Computer-Aided Drug Design and Drug Discovery: A Prospective Analysis

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    In the dynamic landscape of drug discovery, Computer-Aided Drug Design (CADD) emerges as a transformative force, bridging the realms of biology and technology. This paper overviews CADDs historical evolution, categorization into structure-based and ligand-based approaches, and its crucial role in rationalizing and expediting drug discovery. As CADD advances, incorporating diverse biological data and ensuring data privacy become paramount. Challenges persist, demanding the optimization of algorithms and robust ethical frameworks. Integrating Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence amplifies CADDs predictive capabilities, yet ethical considerations and scalability challenges linger. Collaborative efforts and global initiatives, exemplified by platforms like Open-Source Malaria, underscore the democratization of drug discovery. The convergence of CADD with personalized medicine offers tailored therapeutic solutions, though ethical dilemmas and accessibility concerns must be navigated. Emerging technologies like quantum computing, immersive technologies, and green chemistry promise to redefine the future of CADD. The trajectory of CADD, marked by rapid advancements, anticipates challenges in ensuring accuracy, addressing biases in AI, and incorporating sustainability metrics. This paper concludes by highlighting the need for proactive measures in navigating the ethical, technological, and educational frontiers of CADD to shape a healthier, brighter future in drug discovery

    Limitations of Protein Structure Prediction Algorithms in Therapeutic Protein Development

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    The three-dimensional protein structure is pivotal in comprehending biological phenomena. It directly governs protein function and hence aids in drug discovery. The development of protein prediction algorithms, such as AlphaFold2, ESMFold, and trRosetta, has given much hope in expediting protein-based therapeutic discovery. Though no study has reported a conclusive application of these algorithms, the efforts continue with much optimism. We intended to test the application of these algorithms in rank-ordering therapeutic proteins for their instability during the pre-translational modification stages, as may be predicted according to the confidence of the structure predicted by these algorithms. The selected molecules were based on a harmonized category of licensed therapeutic proteins; out of the 204 licensed products, 188 that were not conjugated were chosen for analysis, resulting in a lack of correlation between the confidence scores and structural or protein properties. It is crucial to note here that the predictive accuracy of these algorithms is contingent upon the presence of the known structure of the protein in the accessible database. Consequently, our conclusion emphasizes that these algorithms primarily replicate information derived from existing structures. While our findings caution against relying on these algorithms for drug discovery purposes, we acknowledge the need for a nuanced interpretation. Considering their limitations and recognizing that their utility may be constrained to scenarios where known structures are available is important. Hence, caution is advised when applying these algorithms to characterize various attributes of therapeutic proteins without the support of adequate structural information. It is worth noting that the two main algorithms, AlfphaFold2 and ESMFold, also showed a 72% correlation in their scores, pointing to similar limitations. While much progress has been made in computational sciences, the Levinthal paradox remains unsolved

    Reinventing Therapeutic Proteins: Mining a Treasure of New Therapies

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    Reinventing approved therapeutic proteins for a new dose, a new formulation, a new route of administration, an improved safety profile, a new indication, or a new conjugate with a drug or a radioactive source is a creative approach to benefit from the billions spent on developing new therapeutic proteins. These new opportunities were created only recently with the arrival of AI/ML tools and high throughput screening technologies. Furthermore, the complex nature of proteins offers mining opportunities that are not possible with chemical drugs; bringing in newer therapies without spending billions makes this path highly lucrative financially while serving the dire needs of humanity. This paper analyzes several practical reinventing approaches and suggests regulatory strategies to reduce development costs significantly. This should enable the entry of hundreds of new therapies at affordable costs